Sunday, May 20, 2012

Remembering a Little Boy

Sitting back in a chair and thinking back
About all the times I sat on that couch and called his name out
That part of me long gone but not forgot
He's always been a part
Living under the surface of the realm run by an all seeing eye
Call him what you will but there is only one truth
He was innocence personified
Just a small child with no one to lift him up
So now I'm all grown up and standing in the shower
Reminiscing of a time when I was afraid my naked shame
Thinking that monsters would come in and consume me
Anxiety to the roof all I could see was violation 
Being corrupted by the world that I held in opinion oh so high
And as the water drips on the white floor
I hear him writing his poem on a mirror full of condensation

"The sound of the water lulls me under
To join the dead faces of yesteryear's slaughter
Now that pain has become my only friend
It spreads black wings to pull me away
Will no one come to find me locked in a tower?
My God don't you see a little boy is missing?
He cries out for mercy to every face in the crowd
But how do you hear me with all the ghosts in the building?"

So as you can see this little boy was gripped in fear
Lynched by distress
The weight of that world he looked to
Became his enemy and pulled him under
In memoriam we remember that poor dear child
That inner infant that grew up only to die
Yet deep down somewhere he lives
Hiding behind the shinning sword of an undead warrior
If only that little boy would have known what living was really like
If only someone would have told him it would all be alright
Now a beast exists all for the fact that someone gave up
But his light will never go out and it lives on
Everywhere bright eyes heal the wounds of the oppressed
That is the place where that little boy comes back to life

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