Monday, November 19, 2012

You Think You Know Someone

Turns out you don't really know anyone
There is always that deep dark secret
There will always be that hidden vice
That part of them the makes them a born sinner
I know that I have it
I've got a monster in my closet and only 2 ladies know about it
They are the only two who can help me hold it up
But getting back, you never can tell about somebody
How many undercover killers are really out there?
How many baby rapist or people who hate their moms?
How could you not respect your own flesh and blood?
Everything has to be about you with you at the center
Well I've got news for you bitch the universe has me and its apex
The center mass of density so heavy that everything orbits around it
My soul that's been drifting throughout the cosmos
I'm God in my own mind and you disrespected the one I love the most
So it's over now and now I'm going to tell you the future
Everything that you worked so hard for is going to be gone
You made my girl cry so for that you will be lashed
Smacking you with my forked tongue you will bleed all over your piano
No one knows this business better then I do
And no one knows that my real business is murder and business is booming
Holding onto steel bars is the hand of this monster
Set and ready to slam your head into the concrete
Moral of this story is that you never really know someone
Even your very own cousin, so fuck you bitch I'm gone
Good luck in the future but I'm here to tell you it only looks bleak
Without me you guys are nothing and I can't wait to sit back and laugh
See didn't I tell you that it was all gonna fall apart?

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